Principles of Palmistry: A Self Learning Manual
This book is better than the most other books for learning palmistry because this book is written for the sole purpose of teaching the palmistry in a scientific and rational manner to new learners. The most of the other books available in market were not meant for teaching; they were not written for learners. All the available books on palmistry lacked a systematic approach with simplified principles for teaching. For this reason this book ‘Principles of Palmistry: A Self Learning Manual’ was written. This contains the principles and the system of palmistry that he developed for his students over the years. While reading this book student will feel like talking to the author in his class. Every fact is explained with reason and ample (125) illustrations. you can buy this book on amazon here. Clicking on the links will take you on the book page on these websites. Print version can be brought at discounted price by contacting the Indian palmistry Institute directly. |
Astrology in A Nutshell
Indian astrology is known for its rich tradition of knowledge and accurate predictions. This small book offers the basic but systematic presentation of astrological principles used in interpretation. These principles are easy to follow and learn. After reading and practicing on few charts the reader should be able to read the horoscope of everyone with great success. The book doesn’t contain various combinations called Yogas as they provide little help for learning. Rather book offers only the logical (not special) meaning of planets in various houses and situations so that learner understands the art of interpretation without remembering everything. This Book can be brought on amazon by clicking here. |
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